Saturday, 24 May 2008

Max 2 - Fly Mask 0, Me 1

Naked Max greeted me again this morning. Not only had he removed his fly mask, he'd somehow also removed his forelock plait.

I trudged through the field, scared lots of bunnies, but no fly mask.

I got on with yard duties, finished, went and trudged around the field again. No mask.

"What have you done with it , Max?"

"With what?" big innocent eyes.

"I will find it, you know."

"Don't think so. Concede!


One further field forage, by a friend who had some spare time. Her return to the yard was triumphant, one intact fly mask held aloft!

Where was it? At the bottom of the water trough, that's where. He tried to drown it!

I went over to his box and showed him.

"Look what's been found, Max."

"Drat! Thwarted!"

That's upped the ante. He's not wearing it this afternoon because it's quite windy and rain is predicted, so flies not such a big problem.

It will be interesting to see what Max's riposte will be when it comes. I fear the fly mask may not remain intact much longer.

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?