A busy week with too many tales to tell. Tales of Max slipping and having his knees buckle under him while I went out the side door and landed on a pile of rocks. I lay immobile on my right side not sure if I was hurt badly (thankfully not) but my head was focused on where Max was and whether his knees were bleeding (they weren't). Long solo walks with the pony and The Ent, trudging trails untrudged by them before, and confirmation that Max is a very amiable companion on a long walk.
Busy comings and goings at the yard, boxes of chocolates left with signatures from yard horses "For everybody who takes such good care of me!", owners off on holiday bringing bags of carrots and apples to be shared around the yard, and Christmas cards exchanged by leaving them in the feed room, which also acted as a common post box for us all in the run up to today.
Today the hectic stopped and the glad tidings began. Today the Ent and I, after champagne, coffee and opening presents, took a walk to the yard in bright sunshine, blue sky and crisp temps. I was loaded with apples for Max and his field mates, horse treats (a gift to Max from Sammie's mum) and a couple of liquorice bites.
Max delighted as usual, spotting us at the gate and leaving his grazing place to come and meet us in the field. His pal (the smoke dancer) soon followed and we shared out treats and nuzzles. The Boss could not be arsed with the hub bub, so I went to him with a polo, with Max and Smoky in hot pursuit "Oi! What's he getting that we don't got?"
All is well this Christmas day in my little corner of the world. Today, we are blessed.
Today I also miss my friends and family in far flung places, Canada, America, Australia, Hong Kong. Thinking of you all and wishing you a day like I've had today. I may not be able to wish you a horse like Max, but I wish you something that fills your life and your heart the way that Max does mine. Please all go forward and find that thing, and doesn't matter if it was a nonsense childhood dream. Find it, do it, be it.
It's totally worth it.
Happy Christmas everyone!
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