Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Max and the chiropractor

We had a visit today from our friendly equine chiro this morning. I was eager to hear what she had to say because Max has been doing rather a lot since last time she saw him.

Previously we had been concentrating on getting his hinds built up to help him with his stifle lock. I’ve also been a little concerned about his back, with more ridden work.

All that was found was a little lock in his jaw on the right side. I leapt at that and asked if it could be due to poll pressure (thinking of my trial with the bitless bridle) or to anything I could be doing with my hands, which I try so hard to keep soft... but no, chiro assured me it was “just one of those things”. “Why do any of us get stiff or locked?” she asked. “It’s nothing to be concerned about. The dentist will have a good look when he’s here next month.”

What she did say, though, was that Max is in fine form. Nicely muscled up, no trouble in his hinds or stifle joints, back is absolutely fine, neck is fine, and his weight is ideal, can’t see his ribs, but can feel them when you run your hands along the sides.

Hurrah! Just what I wanted to hear. I know I think he’s looking really fit and studly, but so good to hear it from the one who has a good ol’ prod at his muscles, tendons and such.

We had one squeal of alarm ring out from our box though, and that was when a rat scuttled out from Max’s big straw banks and ran across chiro’s feet. Her dog was in hot pursuit, but the rat, unbelievably, managed to get through a tiny crack under Max’s door and make good his escape. It was like watching a cartoon!

Max was completely nonplussed by the commotion and looked on completely unmoved. I was surprised, because I thought the rustle I heard was Max, ahem, having a comfort break, until I heard the squeal of “Rat! Rat!” and saw the scurrying thing run like the devil was after it across the straw.

“Aw, you’ve scared Max’s pet rat!” I said. “Max, where’s Russell gone?”


“Play along, Max, You know, rustle...Russell...”

“Ah… Sure. My... um... Russell, is it?”

Creepy critter sharing Max’s box!

Before the chiro arrived, we spent a little time in the school doing ridden work. Today we were concentrating on “halt”, the thing that seems to have drifted away from Max's memory bank.

Back to basics for Max and I, I think. We’ve accelerated on some stuff, but in the acceleration, seem to have lost a few pointers along the way. Fitness is achieved, now finesse is what it’s all about.

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?