When I went to collect Max from the field this morning, his forelock and mane were in dreadlocks (full of burrs) and he was dragging behind him a fairly substantial tree branch that he'd somehow tangled in his tail.
Feral pony!
A fairly uneventful day, started out mild, but got colder as the day progressed. Got through the yardwork at a leisurely pace, and then went for a long walk out, me on Max, following the Ent on foot.
We made our way up to "the gallops" to see if we could encourage Max to have a canter, but the wind was high and Max was reluctant to go anywhere the Ent wasn't. Did try to get him to run after his friend and protector and then keep going, but as soon as Ent veered off to the side to let Max pass and carry on, Max instead sharply turned and followed that man, coming close to unceremoniously dumping me out the side door in the process.
We finally had our canter as Max the Brave took the lead on the bridleway home, and once we'd trotted a fair old distance away, we turned round and cantered back towards the Ent, eagerly, playfully, and apparently with Max "picking up his feet nicely".
Maybe the branch was Max's way of trying to become more tree-like, for Ent-to-Ent empathy?
Feral pony!
A fairly uneventful day, started out mild, but got colder as the day progressed. Got through the yardwork at a leisurely pace, and then went for a long walk out, me on Max, following the Ent on foot.
We made our way up to "the gallops" to see if we could encourage Max to have a canter, but the wind was high and Max was reluctant to go anywhere the Ent wasn't. Did try to get him to run after his friend and protector and then keep going, but as soon as Ent veered off to the side to let Max pass and carry on, Max instead sharply turned and followed that man, coming close to unceremoniously dumping me out the side door in the process.
We finally had our canter as Max the Brave took the lead on the bridleway home, and once we'd trotted a fair old distance away, we turned round and cantered back towards the Ent, eagerly, playfully, and apparently with Max "picking up his feet nicely".
Maybe the branch was Max's way of trying to become more tree-like, for Ent-to-Ent empathy?
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