Friday, 29 February 2008

Water feature

Miserable, dreary day here today, so Max and I didn't get up to much, other than a quick groom and a bit of play in his stable.

I'm trying to teach him to shake his head as well as nodding it. I don't have to blow raspberries any more; I can either nod my own head and he'll copy, or I can ask him a question like: "Are you happy to see me?" and he'll nod emphatically.

My mistake today, was asking him a question as he had finished having a drink from his bucket. He nodded with enthusiasm, and I got drenched as my pony became a powerful water fountain.

He and his fieldmate not keen on the field this afternoon. They both hung around the gate like a couple of bad smells.

"Hey! You there! Back in now, please. No good out here. Brr! Aw, c'mon! Be nice to the horses!"

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?