A glorious hack today! The weather called for heavy showers, but so far, no sign of rain, but lots of sunshine!
Had intended to take Max out on his own, but we happened upon a companion (Max's field mate ridden by his sharer) so we had a jolly time going round the block, nattering away and enjoying the fine weather and splendid views.
Max was a horrible grump getting ready, but once we got moving, he was fine, if slow. I don't mind the slow though, because I'm so impressed by how far he has come as a result of our patient work on our own. He's a much more confident boy. He took the lead most of the way, he was fairly relaxed and quite sure footed. At one point, as he was picking a rather precarious path for himself along the slippery ground, I took a big breath and stopped trying to steer him to what I thought was safer ground.
"You can feel what's under your feet, Max, and I have to learn to trust you. So go on, find your way and I'll keep still."
It was difficult for me to let him go, but it was the right thing to do. If I am going to tell him that he can trust me, it's only fair that I listen when he says I can trust him.
Very slow progress we made, but not one plant, and only two turns for home which were very easily sorted with a simple turn back and urge forward again. For the most part he was brave, did not protest, and when really challenged by big fallen branches that looked like coiled snakes about to strike, he paused, assessed, looked back towards me and then moved ahead and past offending object with very little drama.
I couldn't be more pleased with him! One day we will go more quickly and confidently, but it doesn't matter how long that takes. He has come so far and I'm very proud of him. And I am touched beyond measure that the last thing he does before he moves forward is give me a glance. It feels like a final check.
"Are you sure it's OK?"
"I'm sure, brave boy."
"OK, then. Let's do it."
What I'm less pleased with is his sudden interest in drinking from the puddles he used to just play with. We had to stop several times today as he lowered his head for a guzzle, despite my pleas that it couldn't be good for him and he had perfectly fine water at home.
Decided, with all the rain we've been having, that a little puddle drinking today will probably cause no harm - fresh rain water recently dumped, as opposed to stagnant standing water full of ick. Still, eh?
I suppose they drink worse stuff if left to their own devices.
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