Friday, 7 March 2008

In the doghouse

I got wind of some mischief from Max when I was away from the yard.

He got tied up outside an unoccupied but recently mucked out pony box while his stable was being done.

I guess he got bored, because he managed to get his head over the door, pick up the newly replenished water bucket by the handle, and unceremoniously dump the contents into the clean, dry, straw bed. The whole thing had to be redone (it was a big bucket) and exasperated worker told me, "I could have crowned him! Then I looked at his face and he was looking all innocent at me... You can't stay mad at him, can you?"

No, you absolutely can't.

Today we had a play in the school together. We did some work, but it felt more like play. He was moving really well and quite co-operative, and I daringly got on him bareback with no bridle or head collar, either. I just wanted to see what would happen if I had no control but my balance and my seat. What mostly happens is that Max walks with his nose almost touching the ground, he doesn't pay too much attention to directional requests, but he's still very good at stopping and standing when asked.

We had some carrot races, some stretches, and some larking about with a striped umbrella which Max tolerated having held right over his head, though he had enormous eyes and kept trying to sneak away with very slow steps backwards. To his astonishment, no matter how sly he was, the umbrella moved with him!

Now he is grazing in what may be the last sunshine we see for a number of days.

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?