Sunday, 6 July 2008

The (long) line of least resistance

Max and I had a go at long lining in his new Dually today, and I think Max would like a word with that Monty Roberts fella and his new fangled training aids. Mr Roberts is a pony botherer and disturber of the peace of the highest order!

It went pretty well, from my perspective. Max tried a few of his old evasion tricks and found they didn't work. We didn't keep at it for too long. Once I'd settled him in, after one buck of protest and frustration, and had him going well in walk and trot on both reins, I left it at that and the Ent took him out for a long walk.

I think the long lining will continue to go well, as long as we build up our sessions slowly. I don't want to overwhelm Max; just give him a chance to settle in to this new way of working.

The walk with the Ent wasn't quite as successful as the walk Max and I had on or own earlier in the week, but it was an improvement for man and horse, and man managed to stay on the track without being body checked into the nettles even once.

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?