Before the bath though, we went out for a bitless hack, with the Ent leading and carrying a spare lead rope just in case.
Max was very responsive in all situations when he chose to be. I could walk him straight, I could turn him around, I could serpentine him down the lane with a squeeze of the reins and a shift of weight, just like I can with his bit. But when it came to when what Max chose to do and what I chose to do parted company, well, there we had a spot of bother.
He didn't tank off with me. We attempted a canter and Max immediately veered off my intended route and selected one of his own, cutting a swathe diagonally through a stubble field, quite determined to take a short cut.
Brakes were not a problem, he did stop when I asked. Turning back to our starting point, well, Max was less inclined to acquiesce on that point.
As I commented to the watching Ent, I wouldn't want to be hacking Max bitless on our own just yet. Fair dues though, we've only been working this way for two weeks or so, and this is only the second time I've ridden him in it, so there's a lot to be said for the changes that will be accomplished with more concentrated schooling.
I do love the look of him with no bit in his mouth though. It feels right to me, so we will continue to pursue bitless riding.
Back to the yard for his bath. You would have thought cold water on a hot day would have been a relief, but not a bit of it, although he did like drinking from the hose.
After an initial dousing, me holding him and the Ent gently hosing him down, I soaped him up and gave him a scrub with the sponge (which he did seem to enjoy), swirled his tail through soapy water, and then the Ent rinsed him off and scraped him to get off the excess water. Judging by colour of the water scraped away, Max could have done with a second wash, but it didn't seem fair to put him through it again.
Back into his box for his lunch time hay and a few carrot stretches, and all was well with Max's world once more.
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