After such a long spell of being a very splendid and co-operative fellow, it was just a matter of time until Max balked and showed his stubborn streak.
I could feel it coming a couple of days ago, when he was no longer keen to do the free school stuff, and since he was so lacklustre, we went back to basics and I set him up an L shaped obstacle course to back through hands free, and then we did some lateral work, moving sideways back and forth along a pole planted between his front and back legs.
We hadn't done that for a while, and it's a click/treat thing. He got really zealous about it and we had to have a pause to breathe deep and dial it down a notch because he was so focused and up for it.
"Ask me again! Ask me! I want that pony nut. Do it. COME ON! Bring it. I swear to God, I'll... what? What you want? Ask me! ASK, ASK, ASK!"
But that was a couple of days ago. Then there was a day off - too much yard work and then office work, so it was just a grooming day.
Then yesterday. Beautiful day full of promise and good weather, but the Hunt was gathering for cubbing across our neighbouring fields, setting off from the farm next door, just a stone's throw away, so opted not to ride out because of the potential; crazies - horses and hounds everywhere, not to mention horse boxes clogging up our single track road.
So back into the indoor school we went.
Max was an absolute sod. Did his "I know nuffink" routine and looked completely befuddled at everything we attempted, and I changed what we were doing a lot to see if I could engage him in different things. Any little thing.
He was not having it.
We started off all set up for long lining with roller on.
"No, no, NO! I have never done this before and I don't like it. Cease and desist!"
OK, so will we try one line and use the whole school for a bit of lunge work.
"NO! This bit vexes me and I'm going to eat it completely and then cross my jaw so I can't feel it. Who are you? Have we met? Why should I listen to you? What could you possibly have to say of interest to me? I will show you my very firmly halted and steadfast arse. What do you make of that, stranger?"
OK, so liberty work, shall we have a run together? I'll take all this bumf off and we'll have a play. You like that, don't you, and you and get all full of yourself and have a nice cavort. Shall we start at trot?
"No. Sod off."
Right, so yesterday we did some lovely obstacle course stuff and then we did the walking sideways over a pole, and you really enjoyed that.
Off I went to heave poles around.
Shall we try again?
"Sorry, did you say something? Sideways? No, I don't go sideways I go back and I go forward. That is all."
OK, so back up, then, at least.
"Did I say back? No, I just do forward. Bite me. Ha! You can't make me, can you, puny biped! Go on, push harder! Nope, not feelin' it, not doin' it."
OK, so come forward then, you big stubborn arse.
"Que? Quoi? Pardon? No speak your language. What you want? Chips on the side? Eh, wot?"
In the end I could feel myself getting frustrated, so I gave him a pat on the neck and walked away to sit down and find my neutral space. Did not want to handle him when I could feel the frustration rising.
Time Out.
Bless him, he knew something was up. He usually follows me when I walk away, but he just stood still at a distance and looked at me, head hung a little low.
I wasn't mad at him - maybe mad at myself and my expectations - but the sitting down and looking at him quietly while he looked back at me took the frustration away.
Picked up his head collar and said "Come on Monkey Chops, we're done. Let's get out of here."
Over he came then, offered his head for the head collar, and out we went. He was absolutely perfect at turning for the school door to close, made no attempt to snatch at grass and followed me like a lamb back to the yard.
Yes, of course YO was there watching.
"How was he? Was he good?"
"No, he was a jerk!" I replied grimly, waiting for the lecture about how I'm not firm enough, and Max doesn't work hard enough, and I have to push him through it.
But she smiled.
"That's what keeps us thinking! It would be boring if they were good all the time."
Disarmed, I carried on to the lower yard and got ready for Max to to go out to his field.
"Are you my best boy, Max?"
Head nod, and then whiskered muzzle thrust forward for a kiss.
"Sometimes I just don't wanna. Sorry. Couldn't be arsed."
Yeah, I do get that. No need to apologise, you great furry bit of magnificence on four hooves.
It was nothing really. Some days I get the "don't wanna/cant' be arsed" feeling too, so fair enough that Max does. That's perfectly OK.
I was away from the yard by half three which was just about when the hunt was set to kick off for their cubbing. A lot of the night horses were kept back in their boxes until it was done, but Max and his pony mates were allowed out because they are sensible.
I was told this morning by those who were around to watch, that the hunt spent quite a bit of time in the field right next to Max's paddock, and he put on a rather spectacular show, doing a floaty extended trot, tail raised like a flag, all along the fence line back and forth, leaving his field mates well behind as they couldn't keep up with the ground he covered, so they scrambled after him.
It is a sight to see, I know, Max properly strutting his stuff and getting down with his bad self. I've watched it myself enough times, but very nice to hear folk going on about what a beautiful movement he has (on his own, of course) and at least I know he had a good work out last night even if he didn't offer it up to me this time.
He was still all lit up this morning when I brought him in, very vocal and continually leaving his breakfast to call me over, with excited eyes, straining to get back out of his box again.
Was lovely this morning too, when I drove up, because as I got out of my car to open the gate, I looked back across to his field and could only see one field mate grazing. When I got out of my parked up car, Max was doing the lovely extended trot down the field to the gate, calling for me. Aw!
I think he wanted to tell me about his exciting night! "Ooh! The things I've seen! Busy, busy, busy!"
We cancelled "do nothing Friday" today. The weather is vile, he's had enough of the indoor school, and I thought it best to just give him a day off, so plonked his rain sheet on - thought about the hood and decided against because it's not that cold, and the rain will stop about midnight -so out he went with his mates and a mouth full of pear froth.
Max doesn't always go to plan, but he's never boring.
“His name is Max, and he's a Norwegian Fjord X Arab. He’ll be four in June. I have about a month to see if I can make it work and make him mine. Have to see if he chooses me too, and whether I'll do him justice.” (1st May, 2006)
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- maczona
- The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?
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