Stupid day today. I had plans all right, but they came to not much.
Got to the office early thinking I'd be out again early with lots of time for Max... But no! A reminder of a meeting put paid to all that, and even the free sandwiches did not brighten my day, nor shorten the proceedings.
So it was that all the things I had planned for today got pushed back, and at half one I was at the local tack shop buying hay and fly spray, having just run out of my home made concoction, and also having stopped off at a health food shop for citronella to make more. But there was no citronella to be found, and despite it being October Max is being eaten alive by midges, so I forked out crazy money for a fly spray that I hope will keep well until next spring when the blasted things wake up again.
Then on to town for a supermarket sweep and a visit to the chemist, all the while knowing I'd put Max down on the whiteboard at the yard to be kept in, but he would have been shoved out of his box and tied up with nowt, waiting for me.
Big bellow of "hello! help!" when I arrived, and I appeased him with a windfalll apple from my friend at the office, picked up special for Max.
Gave him a groom, a cuddle, some fly spray, and then out he went.
YO asked if Max's little grey field mate had gone out wearing his fly mask yesterday. Yes, I confirmed, he definitely had.
Well, it was very windy last night, and the Boss (the other field mate) lost his fly mask, and it was found in a far away field. Perhaps little grey's had blown away, too.
I said I would have another look around when I took Max to the field, and as I had a pocketful of black liquorice, the three amigos followed and helped me in my search.
Was I dressed for it? No! I was a picture in a turquoise linen skirt, turquoise fitted sweater and linen scarf (old, back from the days when I made real money) and Crocs.
I strode out the fence line, ponies following gamely, and I thought I spied something in the field next door.
Ah! Could that be the missing fly mask?
I leaned over to get a closer look...
"Hello! I'm awake now!"
Our electric fence definitely works.
I did call out a... well... girly yelp of surprise and stupidity, and my Max was all over it, trotting forth, ears pricked, to find out what was wrong with me, and then consoling me against his massive neck.
"You are a tool, my human, but I loves ya! There, there. Bad fence."
Then the Boss and little grey approached as well, offered commiserations and it was liquorice all round.
"Is she special, your human, Max?"
"No, she's just busy. She's usually pretty clued up."
"Dude, she totally got zapped!"
"I know. I'll talk to her."
“His name is Max, and he's a Norwegian Fjord X Arab. He’ll be four in June. I have about a month to see if I can make it work and make him mine. Have to see if he chooses me too, and whether I'll do him justice.” (1st May, 2006)
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- maczona
- The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?
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