Sunday, 27 January 2008

At long last, laughter

The Ent and I sat in bed drinking coffee this morning, with him asking me about how horses show affection, and the difference between cats and horses, and I think trying to find a way to connect with Max the way he had connected with Arizona.

We talked for a long time, reminisced, and he tried to get a feeling from me of what Max gives me, how he reacts to me, how I know when he's happy, how he expresses himself generally.

The Ent wanted to go for a run today, but we decided that before he did that, he'd come out with Max and me, me riding, and Ent walking.

We've had such a good day! I'm so delighted with my boy, and loving my gentle, quiet husband.

The Ent did pretty much all the grooming, and he does a proper job of it. Left to his own devices (I try not to correct or interfere), he and Max just get on with it, and he is gentle, keeps talking to him, and they are perfectly content. Max gives none of the grumping, huffing or face pulling that I have to suffer when I groom him.

We saddled up, and rode out, Max eagerly following The Ent, and were out for a good couple of hours, mostly walking, but Max chose to trot now and again, and we even had a little canter, when we trotted away from The Ent along a field, and then I turned Max back to face The Ent and said, "Go get him!"

It is quite touching how Max looks to him for security on these walks, and I think today, The Ent finally saw it. We went along in the sunshine, Max quite relaxed, me, finally relaxed, and The Ent and I laughing together as Max clowned and did his comedy pony stuff.

It was an absolute tonic for all of us. I'm still anxious, but I did let some of that anxiety go today, and The Ent definitely moved up a step in his affection for our scruffy pony, as he observed more closely and saw the signs of affection that Max gives, saw the difference between scared and relaxed, and at one point, when scrambler bikes descended and Max recoiled, The Ent turned to him and said "It's OK, Max, I'm here with you. Walk on" and Max nudged his shoulder and then did as he was asked.

The Ent was talking about his planned run, and how far he was going to go, and Max stopped dead and turned his head to look him in the eye. "Really? Are you mad?"

So The Ent is finally starting to “get” it, and my Max is definitely a healing horse. They all are, I know, but I watched it in action today.

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?