Sunday, 6 January 2008

Marmite Max

Do you love it or hate it? Max LOVES it! Had his first bit of marmite spread thinly on toast this morning and went mad for it! Made me laugh while he was eating, because his eyes were registering surprise and delight, his head was nodding emphatically as he chewed the new texture, and then nose out to ask “Is there any more?” Just like Withnail, with the crazed eyes, after he’d downed a can of lighter fluid.

Took us ages to get going today – my fault mostly, but somebody must have put some grouch beans in Max’s breakfast because he was a right grumpy gus. Didn’t want to be touched there, or there, or DON’T EVEN THINK OF THERE!

We did get through it eventually, and I laughed at him a lot, which did little to improve his mood.

We’ve still got flippin’ midges about (in January?!) so I’ve decided to start putting some anti-bacterial gel on Max’s nethers, along with the aloe. He’s still got three little sores on the underside of his sheath, and I think midges might be aggravating them. Hard to get a good look, really. I’m thinking of bringing a mirror in so I can hold it out of the danger zone and check that way without getting my head booted in the process.

So, after a good grooming session, we went out for a wander. He was so stiff and locked this morning, I didn’t want to get straight on his back, but thought I might hop on after he’d worked in a bit.

He was such a big girl’s blouse, even with me on foot. He may have missed The Ent giving him double protection.

We turned up one of the bridleways for a bit of hill work, and that was probably a mistake. Everything was completely mired in mud, and it was very slippy for both of us. Max had one big fright (could not for the life of me figure out what spooked him!) He did a jump and spin, uphill, on slick mud, and I’m surprised we were both still standing upright at the end of it.

Decided to stay off his back until we were on level, dry ground, but he was fine once we did, and we had a nice trot home.

Today’s object of desire: Horse Rhythm Beads in purple. I think. Was looking at them on t’interweb last night and I just love the idea of a strand of beads and bells that Max can wear when we’re out. He is a stealth pony with his bare feet, so it would be a good warning to others that we were on our way. Also, allegedly, the noise produced is good for both horse and rider to focus on, so naturally relaxing, but mostly, ever since the elves in Lord of the Rings (book, not silly films) I’ve loved the idea of horses wearing tinkling bells. I think it was mentioned when Glorfindel met the hobbits & Strider. They heard Glorfindel approaching because of the bells on Asfaloth’s harness.

Anyway, I wants 'em, precious. Yessss. I needs 'em!

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?