Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

We had the New Year's Day (practice) Hunt today, actually using our yard and our fields, so I decided not to do anything with Max. I could have buzzed him round the indoor school, but I'd hate to bring him out of that into commotion, and we were anticipating chaos from 10.30 am onwards. All horses kept in until festivities were over, so I guess Max & Jester went to their field late today, which doesn't bother me.

We had such a good grooming session yesterday! I sung him Kookaburra over and over, really softly, while I did all his tidying up, and he was just about snoozing by the end of it. Just stood still, head low, and would move his lips to accept click/treats when offered, but made no bold moves.

Not so much today, though things were already exciting (lots of shooting nearby) and I took a shortcut with a sheath wipe, which he did not appreciate. Man, he wanted to kick me so bad! Had that hind leg up shaking in a "Why I oughta!" way, but of course made no move to follow through, and when I tap the leg and say "Down Max" he puts it back on the floor and shakes his head at me instead. “Grrr!”

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?