Sunday 25 January 2009

You turn your back for a second...

And Max gets up to mischief!

Another miserable wet Sunday in Hampshire, so Max and I did school work. Again. Yawn!

Decided to long-line, so got him all set up in his sheepskin half pad and roller, then the bitless bridle and one line attached to lead, the other carried until we got in the school.

I was pleased when I opened the school door and saw that someone had left a set of trotting poles out; good practice for Max on the lines. Unclipped Max's line so I could sort both lines out through the rings on the rollers, and he started to wander away.

"Max, stand please sir!" I said, slightly distracted by the lines and noticing out of the corner of my eye that Max stopped and stood still. Max is coming along nicely, and now I have to accelerate my own learning curve to keep up with him!

"Good lad," I said, then turned and walked away from him whilst untangling a line.

Turned back only seconds later to find Max down and in mid-roll. He went over three times, then got up, had a huge shake, and shook his bridle right off.

"Oh, Max! Look at the state of you!"

He blinked at me and tried to snuffle school dirt out of his nose.

After that unexpected and dusty start, we had a good session on the lines, and used to trot poles to great effect.

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?