Sunday 20 July 2008

Because you're mine, I walk the line(s)

Our first attempt at al fresco longlining was a success! Not that we did anything fancy. At all.

Collected Max from his field in the early afternoon, and he and Ent spent a little time warming up in the indoor school, just reinforcing what they learned about each other last weekend.

Then I put on the roller and the lines, and out we went. Pretty simple strategy, really. Ent in front with a slack lead rope, me behind with two lines and a bit of flicking him on from a shamble to a walk. We mainly stayed on the lane, but went up one farm track, down one rutted hill (Max tripped a lot) and then back onto the lane and turned for home.

The only incident was the result of a menacing heap of brambly branches, which posed an obvious threat that the Ent and I were too obtuse to notice. So Max alerted us by leaping about and Riverdancing, whilst looking back over his shoulder in wide eyed terror to see if the branchy heap was in pursuit.

It wasn't.

After collecting him, we took him over to have a look at it. Gave him an excellent opportunity to get his head down and have a sneaky graze of the grass right next to the terrifying twig monster.

A couple of little trots home, and we were done. Not something we can attempt on our own yet, "long-roaming", but another thing to build upon.

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The diary of a young horse and a not quite so young novice. What happens when you decide to return to riding after years away from it and suddenly find yourself buying a horse, and a very young horse at that? Who teaches who?